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June 2021

762,000 on unemployment in Michigan; record open jobs

COVID-19 restrictions might be winding down, but 762,000 Michiganders are still receiving unemployment benefits while records jobs stay unfilled. The location of those receiving unemployment is skewed toward high-population areas. Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb Counties compose 400,000…

Why are some mushrooms poisonous?

You may have noticed that mushrooms pop up in your yard or in parks right after a rain but don’t last for long. A mushroom is the above-ground part of a fungus. Most of the…

Study shows AI-generated fake reports fool experts

If you use such social media websites as Facebook and Twitter, you may have come across posts flagged with warnings about misinformation. So far, most misinformation – flagged and unflagged – has been aimed at…

Biden’s border politics threaten U.S. security

“It’s not rocket science. It’s not super high technology to construct border barriers.” – Kris Kobach The 9/11 attacks happened two decades ago, but many are still suffering from the aftermath. On that fateful day,…